Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Eggless Nutella filled Banana muffins

Who loves Nutella?I think I should've asked who does'nt?

My favorite way of eating Nutella is to just eat it with a spoon:)Me and my elder son love nutella ..

For all the nutella lovers out there..World Nutella day is Feb  5th...
So I thought I would make something with this yummy goodness.

I tried to make use of Nutella in my muffins..I swirled nutella on top of some of the muffins and filled in the rest..

Here goes the recipe..


All purpose flour - 1 1/2 cup

Baking soda - 1tsp

Baking powder - 1tsp

Sugar - 2/3 cup

Salt - 1/4 tsp

Melted butter - 1/3 cup

Mashed Banana - 4

Vanilla essence - 1 tsp

Chopped walnuts - 1/2 cup

Nutella - 1/2 cup


Preheat the oven to 360 deg F.

Line the muffin tin with muffin liners.In a medium bowl add the all purpose flour,baking soda,baking powder,salt and mix well.

In another bowl,add the mashed banana,sugar,melted butter,vanilla essence,chopped walnuts and mix well.

Add the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients and mix.The mixture would be lumpy.Don't tend to over mix.

Fill up to 1/2 of the muffin liner.Spread the mixture evenly on the sides so that when you fill the nutella it will not come out through the sides of the muffin.Then add a tablespoon of nutella in the middle.I worked with my finger cuz I felt so easy to indent the nutella.Then fill the muffin up to 3/4 th.

You can also fill the muffin liner upto 3/4 th and then add a tsp of nutella on the top and swirl with a toothpick.

My swirl did not come out that good because nutella was sooo hard to work with..

Bake for about 15 minutes or until the tester when inserted into the middle comes out clean.

Cool on a wire rack and store in air-tight container.


  1. That looks delicious... i love love nutella :)

  2. Hi Ramya

    Muffins look great. Nutella fillings have made it even more delicious.

    Hamaree Rasoi

  3. Never heard or had banana muffins before. They appear good.

  4. Gorgeous and delectable muffins,feel like having some..

  5. Looks too damn delicious..!!! And u r rite, who does not love nutella??? I have caught my sis eating a spoonful of it straight out of the bottle!! Im sure she would love this..;) Thx for sharing this recipe..

  6. Wow, that is such a drool worthy muffins there'...love it.

  7. These muffins should have tasted heavenly for sure..Looks gorgeous and tempting...

  8. wow, looks perfect and so mouth watering.

  9. I am a huge fan of nigella. Looks divine.

  10. These look delicious. I´ve got an award for you in my blog! Please come over to my blog to pick it up.

  11. Totally scrumptious..Yay for nutella :)

    US Masala

  12. Lovely looking muffins... super delicious...

  13. hey! thats a great recipe for nutella muffins... i always prefer eggless versions, so def going to try this. am posting my version of a choco-chip muffin soon. do check it out :)

  14. nutella in a cupcake!!! cant get better.
