Thursday, August 20, 2009

Fabulous Blog award and Tag Alphabetically

Iam so happy to receive Fabulous blog award from Rekha of Indian Recipes..

Thank U so much Rekha..So sweet of you..I feel honoured.

Ive been Tagged by Preethi of Preethi's online cookbook

The Rules:
1. Link the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Share the ABCs of you.
4. Tag 4 people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
5. Let the 4 tagged people know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
6. Do not tag the same person repeatedly but try to tag different people, so that there is a big network of bloggers doing this tag

The Tag:

1. A – Available/Single? none

2. B – Best friend? Many

3. C – Cake or Pie? Cake

4. D – Drink of choice? Water and Buttermilk

5. E – Essential item you use every day? Laptop, Phone,TV

6. F – Favorite color?Pink,Blue,Black

7. G – Gummy Bears Or Worms?Gummybears

8. H – Hometown? Trichy

9. I – Indulgence? Fastfood and Anything chocolatey

10. J – January or February?Makes no difference to me.

11. K – Kids & their names?1.SaiRishabh and a little jelly bean on the way :)Name not yet decided.

12. L – Life is incomplete without? TrueLove

13. M – Marriage date? May6th 2002

14. N – Number of siblings?1 elder sister

15. O – Oranges or Apples?Apples

16. P – Phobias/Fears?Rollercoaster Ride and all scary rides

17. Q – Quote for today? It's never too late -- never too late to start over, never too late to be happy

18. R – Reason to smile? A hug and a kiss from my kiddo

19. S – Season?Spring.

20. T – Tag 4 People?Scroll down to the bottom of this post

21. U – Unknown fact about me? I don't know how to drive a car

22. V – Vegetable you don't like? Spinach

23. W – Worst habit? Take control of the remote and change channels ;)

24. X – X-rays you've had?When I was suspected to have Sinusitis a few years back

25. Y – Your favorite food? Vegetable Pulao

26. Z – Zodiac sign? Gemini

I tag






  1. congrats on the award
    and the new one on the way...

  2. Congrats on your award Ramya.. was nice to read about you :)

  3. Congrats on your award.. nice to know more about you.. :)

  4. Congrats Ramya..liked the questions and answers...

  5. Congrats on the award ramya and thanx for tagging me,?I did this before here and will do again on my food blog

    U dont like spinach,u r like my kids who hate to eat green veggies

    Hug and kiss from kid-- same nothing can beat this.

    Loved the little jelly bean,how many months??

    How old is sai??

  6. Thanx Somoo!!

    Thanx a lot Padma

    Thanx Pooja!!

    Thanx Harichandana!!

    Thanx Vrindha!!

    Thanx Varunavi@Saritha :)atlast gotta know u'r real name :)Checked u'r wordpress blog..Kids!!!!!!these days..OMG..They are super duper intelligent and round the clock-curious.LOL!!
    Sai just turned 6 and his lil bro is due on Oct.

  7. Sorry to be late. But do accept my congratulations.
