Friday, January 4, 2013

How to respond to plagiarism

Hello fellow bloggers,
My blog content was stolen by iloveindia website and a recipe blog called recipesnow.I was just shocked to see my Pulipongal recipe with picture was copied line by line.I know so many of you have experienced this problem from time to time.

Since I had no idea where to start or even respond,I googled and found out valuable information which I wanted to share with you all

What should you do if you found out your blog content has been plagiarized :

Step1:Take a screen shot of your stolen content to keep for future reference/evidence even before contacting the person

Step2:Email send/desist letter to the content thief

There is a tailor-made letter Jonathan Bailey in the following website which was sooo useful to me!!

This website has lotsa information on plagiarism!!

Step 3:If he/she does not respond send a DMCA complaint to search engine

In my case when i sent cease/desist letter a man from iloveindia website immediately responded and removed my content from the website.

But I could not send a mail or even contact the recipe blog called recipesnow because the author has disabled the comments section.There is no contact information too.So Iam planning to send DMCA complaint to all search engines
Hopefully it gets resolved!!


  1. oh oh thts bad eh

    atleast ur content was removed fm tht site but u know plagirism is spread like anything
    what we can do is this as u said also keep no copy tag

    bt still dnt know what to do
    good u brought to notice..

  2. Oh god, dunno when they gonna stop this nasty job.

    Thank god they removed your content from that site, seriously am getting mad of these issues.

  3. Thanks for the info dear. So sad to know that it has happened to u too. Screen shot idea is great.

  4. More often blogs are written to say something about the business or personality. what purpose would it solve if the writer publishes the copied content in his blog?
