Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Kreativ Blogger Award !

Iam so honoured to receive my second award from Hema at Salt to Taste.It is the Kreative blogger award,honouring favourite,creative blogs.Thanx a  lot Hema!!You made my day.

The rules for this award are :
1. You must thank the person who has given you the award.

2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.

3. Link to the person who has nominated you for the award.

4. Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting.

5. Nominate 7 other Kreativ Bloggers.

6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.

7. Leave a comment on which of the blogs to let them know they have been nominated.

When I saw the Rule # 4,I was like "Eeeeeek",because I really don't know whether the 7 things that Iam going to write about me are gonna be really interesting.Anyways here are 7 facts about me:

1)I was born and brought up in the famous RockFort city,Trichy in Tamilnadu

2)Iam an MCA graduate but now totally a Stay at home Mom to a Charming little prince whos gonna be 6 and expecting our second little baby boy in October.

3)Iam not that much diet-conscious and I like junk food.Iam a chocholic too,though Iam forced to control my craving due to my pregnancy :(

4)I love cooking and entertaining others.My latest passion is baking.

5)I took up violin lessons and carnatic vocal lessons for about 5 years when I was still in school.I love singing and  listening  to all sorts of music.

6)When Iam free,I love to read books,watch food channels or browse food blogs.

7)I love making new friends and blogging has helped me in making  a handful of wonderful friends.

Now comes the hard part..Nominating 7 bloggers.I want to pass this award to all,but then following the rules,nominations are

1)Viki of Viki's Kitchen

2)Preethi of Preethi's online cookbook

3)Vrindha at Sankeerthanam

4)Somoo at Home cooked Oriya food

5)Varunavi at My kitchen's aroma

6)Hari Chandana at Indin Cuisine

7)Akal at Akal's Sappadu

These blogs really deserve the award..Be sure to check them all..


  1. Congrats on your award Ramya... good to know that you are expecting your little one very soon.... and nice to read few things about you... happy blogging and take care of your health :)

  2. carnatic music , violin , MCA ..oh dear, u are a very talented person.
    Trichy ua neenga:) so glad to know u .Congrats on ur award. U are really very creative and u deserve it much.
    Thanks for sharing it with me. I feel honored.

  3. Congrats on baby #2 and congrats on award too...
    Thanks so much for sharing...

  4. Congrats on your Award!!.. Nice to know all those interesting things about you. I am very happy to receive the award... Thanks for sharing with me..you made my day dear!!.. keep rocking.. :)

  5. first time here..came from somoos. will keep coming

  6. Hey Ramya!
    Congrats! really nice to know that u r expecting yr second baby
    Congrats for the award!
    Thank u so much for passing it to me:) Im honoured!

  7. congrats lady..first time here and i see an award..way to go!!

  8. First congrats for the new arrival and congrats for the award.Thank u so much for giving me the award.

    I loved ur layout of ur blog :)

  9. Congrats on ur award Ramya thanx a lot for sharing with me...nice to know abt u,me too MCA graduate,but now changed to Master of cooking appli,he he..

  10. Congrats on your award, and on your pregnancy.. Waiting to hear the good news in October.. I too love music but never got a chance to learn it.. Once againCongrats

  11. Padma -Thanx a lot for u'r wishes!!

    Viki - Yeah Naan Trichy vaasi and after kalyanam becae chennai vasi..Thanx for u'r wishes and enjoy ur award

    Somoo - Thanx for u'r wishes and congrats on u'r award..Njoy!!

    Thanx alot Rush!!

    Varunavi - Thanx and congrats on u'r award!!

    Vrindha - Rightly said..me too master of cookery applications now :)Congrats and njoy!!

    Hema - Thanx a lot for remembering me and sure will update in my blog the arrival of my lil one..

  12. Congrats for your award and also for your second baby :) Wish you both a very healthy life.

  13. Thanx Ann for u'r wishes!!

    Thanx Nithya!!

  14. Congratulations on your pregnancy and the award!You must be quite excited, huh!

  15. Congrats on ur award Ramya also my wishes on ur pregnancy too. Thanks. I never interacted with any other blogger so far. It's really fun. I would also be keep watching ur space. :)

  16. Hi Ramya,

    congratulations for the award and my hearty thanks for sharing it with me!
    As I was away from home for the holidays, I couldn't reply you earlier! have a nice day!
