Sunday, May 31, 2009

Kaju Katli

Kaju katli is my kid's favorite sweet.

I actually learnt to make this sweet dish only after I came to US.

When we were in India,we always pay a visit frequently to the one and only Adyar Anand Bhavan.They make the best kaju katlis.Their sweets and savouries are drool -worthy!!

I really miss them.

So when i was searching for kaju katli recipe,I stumbled upon Chitvish's recipes in Indusladies.

Her recipe is so simple.Here it goes


Cashews - 1 cup

Sugar - 3/4 cup(If u like it to be sweeter the you can add 1 cup)

Ghee - 1 tbsp

water - 1/4 cup


Microwave the cashews for 1 minute.Powder it in a mixie.Use the pulser.

Smear a little bit of ghee on the back of a plate and the flat side of a katori/cup.

In a heavy bottomed vessel add 1/4 cup of water.Then add the sugar and allow it to boil.

Test the consistency of the sugar syrup.It can be done by a putting a spoon of sugar syrup in a glass of water.If you can roll the sugar syrup into a ball then it has reached the right consistency.

Switch off the stove and add the cashew powder.Keep on stirring until it becomes a thick mass.

Empty it into the greased plate and with the back side of the cup spread and flatten it as thin as possible.

Cut into diamond shapes.

Iam sending this to Sweet Time Event hosted by Shanthi

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ramya ,
    Got your blog ...when searching for Kaju katli in google ...and tried your method ...Came out perfect .

    Thanks for sharing the recipe ...
